Expatriate schools in Batam and options to enroll

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In Indonesia, all citizens must undertake nine years of compulsory education which consists of six years at elementary level and three in secondary level. This regulation however, formatted for regular Indonesian which might seems not acceptable for many expat parents. There are concern about the curriculum as well as the kids’ ability to learn, mingle and be accepted within the school itself. Changes were never easy, yet moving to Batam with your kids, and not sure where to begin with schooling is the main challenges one might need to tackle.
In Batam city island, specific schools do offer international curriculum. However, be advised that cultural and language class may seems lacking. Many expats from India, Korea, mainland China and Japan finds themselves that the only alternatives for their bigger kids were only available in Singapore. However for your smaller ones, you may consider these following school:
Sekolah Charitas Sukajadi
The Sekolah Charitas Batam is one of the oldest private school in Batam and managed by Roman Catholic church, which also ffiliated with another higher education sekolah Yos Sudarso. Located right in the epicentrum of Batam, the school offer enclosed environment with clean and manicured surrounding. Many couples of mix nationalities often choose the school’s kindergarten as the right place to be for their kids.
Sekolah Charitas Batam
Jln .Kaktus Giwang IA Bukit Indah Sukajadi
Telp. 0778 433017 Email: admin@sekolahcharitas.sch.id
Sekolah Global Indo-Asia
The Sekolah Global Indo-Asia is an independent co-educational day school that offers an international curriculum for Indonesian Nationals as well as expatriates from preschool through grade ten residing in and around Batam (age 2-18). The language of instruction is both English and Indonesian, with Mandarin being offered as an additional language. Students learn English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science in English. Students at all levels study Art, Music, Physical Education and Information Technology. SGIA teachers and administrators come from Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States. SGIA has an enrollment of about 573 students from around 10 countries. Most expat students are Chinese Singaporean.
Jalan Raya Batam Centre Kav. SGIA
Batam Centre, Batam Island
Tel: +62 778 467 333

International School Batam
The International School Batam (ISB), a smaller school, is located in Sekupang. It was founded in September 1999 by a group of parents and members of the expatriate business community. They follow the British National Curriculum, and take students from Prekindergarten to elementary levels. They currently have under 100 students.
Kompleks Rosedale Block E No. 123 – 124
Batam Centre, Batam Island
Indonesia 29400
Tel. (62-778) 461-696

Sekolah Djuwita
Sekolah Djuwita follows a curriculum from Singapore and the US. It takes in students from preschool to highschool. The school is equipped with computers & science labs, indoor or outdoor playground equipment; air conditioned classrooms, video surveillance, security personnel, swimming pools & other sports facilities.
Playgroup (KB)
Komplek Anggrek Permai
K2- 8
Batam, Indonesia
(0778) 457146

TK (Kindergarten) – SMA (Senior High School)

Komplek Anggrek Mas
Batam Centre
Batam, Indonesia
(0778) 464004
Real Education
REAL Education offers a  playgroup session for children from 2years to 4 years. .It operates form 7.30 a.m. to 9.30a.m and maids can pick them up when they finish at the play group. The curriculum includes introduction to zoo animals colours and counting.
Komplek Ruko Permata Niaga
Blok C 28, 29, 30 Sukajadi Batam
Tel: (0778) 430208
source : internet
IndraBlissPark  |  +62 822-4545-5452
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